好看的剧摩登原始人 第二季
摩登原始人 第二季

摩登原始人 第二季

石头城乐园 第二季


摩登原始人 第二季
  • 影名:摩登原始人 第二季
  • 当前:全32集
  • 明星:约翰·范德·派尔/艾伦·里德/梅尔·布兰科/贝亚·本德雷/唐·梅西克
  • 指导:威廉·汉纳/约瑟夫·巴伯拉
  • 年代:1961
  • 区域:美国
  • 分类:喜剧/动画/儿童
  • 时长:30分钟
  • 公映:1961-09-15(美国)
  • 字幕:英语
  • 最近:2024-04-27 08:17
  • 豆瓣:8.9
  • 剧情:Flintstone is a prime time animated sitcom in the United States that was broadcast on ABC from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966. The program was produced by Hanna Barbera Productions. "Flintstone" tells the life of a Stone Age working class with family, next-door neighbors, and best friends. The continued popularity of the play largely depends on its juxtaposition of modern daily attention in the context of the Stone Age. The play is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs, saber toothed tigers, mammoths, and other long extinct animals coexisted with Neanderthals. Like the cave people of the mid 20th century, these cave people listened to records, lived in layered houses, and ate in restaurants, but their technology was entirely made of pre industrial materials, mainly powered by the use of animals. For example, cars are made of stone, wood, and animal skins, powered by the feet of passengers (as in the theme song "Through Fred's Two Feets"). The initial pilot episode was called "; Flagstones Corporation;" (the show first appeared in 1959 as a 90 second promotional event to attract advertisers to watch the show), and was later reintegrated into the first episode of the show (the third episode in the original broadcast date order). The title of the program was changed to "; The Flintstones Corporation; shortly thereafter. The technology is typically"; prehistoric "; similar to the use of animals by modern machines. [5] For example, when a character takes photos with a real-time camera, a bird uses its beak to carve a photo on a stone tablet inside the camera box. In a gag, the animal that powered this technology often broke the fourth wall, looked directly at the camera at the audience, and made mild complaints about his work. Other common gadgets in the series include baby mammoths used as vacuum cleaners; An adult mammoth that showers by spraying water through its trunk; Wrap a rope around the dragon's neck to lift the elevator" "Automatic"; the windows are powered by monkeys outside; birds act as "; car horns";, The sound made by drivers pulling their tails or squeezing their bodies; One ";" electric "; A razor made of clam shells with bees vibrating inside; A pelican serving as a washing machine with a large mouthful of soapy water on it; There is also a woodpecker whose beak is used to play phonograph records. In most cases; "The Man of a Thousand Sounds";, Mel Blanc provides gag lines for animals, often lowering his voice by one or two full octaves, far below the range he had when dubbing the character Barney Rubble. Take Flintstone's cuckoo clock as an example, from mechanical toys to live birds announcing time, when the time approaches 12:00, "The bird in the clock"; cuckoo; usually simply loses momentum and abandons sound, body, or both" The Stone Age; name The background of the Stone Age allows for the use of gags and word games involving rocks and minerals. For example, San Antonio became "; Sand-and-Stony o";;; The country south of the Bedrock land is known as "; Mexico; (Mexico). Go to"; Hollyrock ";, The imitation of Hollywood usually includes a "; airplane"; flight - "; plane";, In this case, it typically appears as a giant pterosaur with its fuselage tied to its back. The Valley of the Sun became the "Valley of the Stone"; And by "; Conrad Halston"; (Conrad Hilton). surname "; Flintstone Corporation; and"; "Gravel";, And other common Bedrock surnames, such as "; shale; and"; quartz ";, Consistent with these puns, the famous names of Bedrock are also: "; Gary Granite"; (Cary Grant), "; Stony Curtis"; (Tony Curtis), "; Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone"; (Ed Sullivan), "; Rock Piles/Quarries/Hudstone"; (Rock Hudson), "; Ann Margrock"; (Ann Margret), "; Jimmy Darrow"; (James Darren), "; Alvin Brickrock"; (Alfred Hitchcock), "; Perry Masonry/Masonite"; (Perry Mason played by Raymond Burr); Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders "; (Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, in the live-action movie" Long Live Flint Stone in Las Vegas ") "Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones"); "Eppy Brianstone"; (Brian Epstein) and "; Beau Brummelstones"; ("Beauty"). Once, while visiting a house in Bedlock, Betty and Wilma even commented on the new "; Jackie Kennedy (Jackie Kennedy) look";. ";. In some cases, celebrities may also make such sounds as "; Samantha"; and "; Darrin"; Dubbed by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples in the above list include Ann Margret, Curtis, Darren, and Beau Brummels. Other celebrities
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88影视好看的剧动画番剧摩登原始人 第二季


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Flintstone is a prime time animated sitcom in the United States that was broadcast on ABC from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966. The program was produced by Hanna Barbera Productions. "Flintstone" tells the life of a Stone Age working class with family, next-door neighbors, and best friends. The continued popularity of the play largely depends on its juxtaposition of modern daily attention in the context of the Stone Age. The play is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs, saber toothed tigers, mammoths, and other long extinct animals coexisted with Neanderthals. Like the cave people of the mid 20th century, these cave people listened to records, lived in layered houses, and ate in restaurants, but their technology was entirely made of pre industrial materials, mainly powered by the use of animals. For example, cars are made of stone, wood, and animal skins, powered by the feet of passengers (as in the theme song "Through Fred's Two Feets"). The initial pilot episode was called "; Flagstones Corporation;" (the show first appeared in 1959 as a 90 second promotional event to attract advertisers to watch the show), and was later reintegrated into the first episode of the show (the third episode in the original broadcast date order). The title of the program was changed to "; The Flintstones Corporation; shortly thereafter. The technology is typically"; prehistoric "; similar to the use of animals by modern machines. [5] For example, when a character takes photos with a real-time camera, a bird uses its beak to carve a photo on a stone tablet inside the camera box. In a gag, the animal that powered this technology often broke the fourth wall, looked directly at the camera at the audience, and made mild complaints about his work. Other common gadgets in the series include baby mammoths used as vacuum cleaners; An adult mammoth that showers by spraying water through its trunk; Wrap a rope around the dragon's neck to lift the elevator" "Automatic"; the windows are powered by monkeys outside; birds act as "; car horns";, The sound made by drivers pulling their tails or squeezing their bodies; One ";" electric "; A razor made of clam shells with bees vibrating inside; A pelican serving as a washing machine with a large mouthful of soapy water on it; There is also a woodpecker whose beak is used to play phonograph records. In most cases; "The Man of a Thousand Sounds";, Mel Blanc provides gag lines for animals, often lowering his voice by one or two full octaves, far below the range he had when dubbing the character Barney Rubble. Take Flintstone's cuckoo clock as an example, from mechanical toys to live birds announcing time, when the time approaches 12:00, "The bird in the clock"; cuckoo; usually simply loses momentum and abandons sound, body, or both" The Stone Age; name The background of the Stone Age allows for the use of gags and word games involving rocks and minerals. For example, San Antonio became "; Sand-and-Stony o";;; The country south of the Bedrock land is known as "; Mexico; (Mexico). Go to"; Hollyrock ";, The imitation of Hollywood usually includes a "; airplane"; flight - "; plane";, In this case, it typically appears as a giant pterosaur with its fuselage tied to its back. The Valley of the Sun became the "Valley of the Stone"; And by "; Conrad Halston"; (Conrad Hilton). surname "; Flintstone Corporation; and"; "Gravel";, And other common Bedrock surnames, such as "; shale; and"; quartz ";, Consistent with these puns, the famous names of Bedrock are also: "; Gary Granite"; (Cary Grant), "; Stony Curtis"; (Tony Curtis), "; Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone"; (Ed Sullivan), "; Rock Piles/Quarries/Hudstone"; (Rock Hudson), "; Ann Margrock"; (Ann Margret), "; Jimmy Darrow"; (James Darren), "; Alvin Brickrock"; (Alfred Hitchcock), "; Perry Masonry/Masonite"; (Perry Mason played by Raymond Burr); Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders "; (Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, in the live-action movie" Long Live Flint Stone in Las Vegas ") "Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones"); "Eppy Brianstone"; (Brian Epstein) and "; Beau Brummelstones"; ("Beauty"). Once, while visiting a house in Bedlock, Betty and Wilma even commented on the new "; Jackie Kennedy (Jackie Kennedy) look";. ";. In some cases, celebrities may also make such sounds as "; Samantha"; and "; Darrin"; Dubbed by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples in the above list include Ann Margret, Curtis, Darren, and Beau Brummels. Other celebrities



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