  • 不安分的年轻人们正片

    Peccatori in blue jeans
  • 影名:不安分的年轻人们
  • 当前:更新至1集无删减免费在线观看
  • 明星:帕斯卡尔·普缇/安德丽·帕里西/雅克·夏里尔/洛朗·特兹弗/让-保罗·贝尔蒙多/达妮·萨瓦尔
  • 指导:马塞尔·卡尔内
  • 年代:1958
  • 区域:法国/意大利
  • 分类:剧情
  • 时长:120 分钟
  • 公映:1958-10-10
  • 字幕:法语
  • 豆瓣:0.0
  • 最近:2024-03-08
  • 访问:1
  • 标题:Peccatori in blue jeans:Georges Sadoul1957~1966年的年度电影十佳
  • 剧情:Bob Letellier, a middle class student, entered a new world when he met Alain. Alan is a rebel with a free mind. Together with a group of young Parisians, he chose to live a life of instant gratification rather than work and commitment. At a party, Bob met a young woman named Mike who looked as carefree and cynical as Alan. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car. With Bob's help, she managed to find money. Mic's friend Clo discovers that she is pregnant and doesn't know who her father is. She proposes to Bob. The next time they meet at a party, Bob and Mike deny that they have any feelings for each other - a statement that quickly led to tragedy... Marcel Carne is widely regarded as one of the flag bearers of high-quality French films in the 1930s and 1940s. He created masterpieces such as "Quai des Brumes" (1938) and "Les Enfants du Paradis" (1945). Ironically, in 1958, at the end of his film production career, he even made a film that dared to depict the attitudes and behaviors of young people in the 1950s to effectively capture the emotions and emotions of the time. "Les Tricheurs" is a highly controversial film, especially because it openly portrays the free love of teenagers and is even banned in some parts of France. "It has also received some very unfavorable evaluations, the most striking being young and enthusiastic people from the film industry, such as Fran ç ois Trove, who regarded this film as a typical example of the mediocrity of French cinema.". Despite all the negative news, the film achieved an astonishing commercial success, attracting 5 million viewers, and winning the French Cin é ma Grand Prix in 1958. Although "Les Tricheurs" is not as flawless as Carney's early masterpiece, it is still an important work that can both shock and impress the audience, while having great entertainment value. It evokes the emotions of the time in a way that few French films of this period could do, portraying young people as rebels seeking happiness, rejecting the austerity and discipline of previous generations, and pursuing a life without care, responsibility, or love. There are clear similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most famous being "Rebellion Without Cause"), although Carney treats young people in a much more abstract way - in his films, they simply symbolize a lost world, more or less victims of the postwar boom. Although the young people in "Les Tricheurs" lack complete credibility and authenticity, the film does raise an important and, in fact, quite disturbing view of where a tolerant society may go. Most of the fun in this movie comes from the performance of four leading actors, Jacques Shariah, Pascal Petit, Laurent Teziff, and Andrea Parisi, although only Teziff's character is truly convincing. Marcel Carn é initially considered playing Bob and Alain with Alain Delon and Jean Paul Belmondo, respectively, before opting for Charier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carney asked Belmonto to play a small role in the film - unfortunately, the actor was too small to be noticed by the public. Belmonto's breakthrough had to wait until the next year, when he starred in Jean Luc Godard's revolutionary film "A Crispy Egg", which provided a completely different perspective for the younger generation.


Peccatori in blue jeans


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